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  • 3.6.1 Extension* and outreach activities* such as community Health Education, Community health camps, Tele-conferences, Tele-Medicine consultancy etc., are conducted in collaboration with industry, Government and non- Government Organisations engaging NSS/NCC/Red cross/YRC, Institutional clubs etc., during the last five years.
  • 3.6.2 Average percentage of students participating in extension and outreach activities beyond the curricular requirement as stated at 3.6.1.
  • 3.6.3 Number of awards and recognitions received for extension and outreach activities from Government / other recognized bodies during the last five years.
  • 3.6.4 Institutional social responsibility activities in the neighbourhood community in terms of education, environmental issues like Swachh Bharath, health and hygiene awareness, delivery of free/ subsidized health care and socio-economic development issues carried out by the students and staff, including the amount of expenditure incurred during the last five years.
U.G.C. | N.C.H. | MHRD | Anti Ragging Squad | GSICC | Government of Rajasthan | Ayush
Caste Discrimnation | NIRF | RTI | Policies | Award | Achievement | Alumni